Friday 30 October 2009

Our new arrivals

We love going to the airport to pick up those newly arriving from the MTC. The assistants and trainers were there to welcome the new arrivals. After our traditional meal at Souvlakia Kifissias we went to Mars Hill. We were very impressed with the new elders as they read in Greek from Acts 17. Their accents and their ability to read this new language was amazing.
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  1. Dear Sister and President Charles, thanks for this wonderful idea! This is a great comfort for all missionary moms- like me. I'm Elder Jared Jentzsch's mother and I really enjoy to see you, him and his companions on this webside, knowing that they all well. Thank you for your care about the missionaries an their moms(: !
    Best regards Cornelia Jentzsch

  2. hi elder Jentsch...lucky you...i wanna come down !!
