Monday, 29 March 2010
Elder Brown to the Airport.
This is always such a bittersweet moment. So sweet to be returning to the arms of loved ones. So sweet to have stayed the course and kept the faith. Yet as we raise our hand to wave our farewell, our hearts reach out to those we have come to love.
We meet Elder Potters beautiful parents.
It was so good to sit and talk together, and it was striking the depth of testimony in the parents reflected in Elder Potter. Thank you parents for raising a righteous generation.
Mars Hill March 28th 2010.
Our Mars Hill farewell to Elder Brown and Elder Potter. The wind was blowing so strongly we felt sure it must have borne our testimonies heavenward.
Saturday, 27 March 2010
Leonidas Lunch March 2010 for Elders Brown and Potter

Thursday, 25 March 2010
At the Office March 2010
This is a lovely picture of Elders Harris and Lohman with Jim the lovely man they are teaching. I have had the privilege of sitting in with them while they teach, and am enthralled with their wisdom and maturity. Proedros Charles is standing on the balcony of the Mission Office. The beautiful greek flag flying in honour of Greek Independence Day.
Lycavittos Hill March 2010

Halandri Branch Relief Society March 2010
There is a better picture taken by Brother Hicks but I am having problems getting it to the blog. I feel it will be Elder Harris and Elder Lohman to the rescue of this tech challenged individual!!
Thessaloniki March 2010
Sister Christensen and I did some role play after conference while interviews were taking place. She really is very good at communicating in Greek, I was very impressed. We both shared our testimonies in Greek, you can see her doing just that in the top right picture.
More Thessaloniki March 2010
Elder Middleton our Zone Leader in Thessaloniki gave a wonderful presentation on SYL ( speak your language) . Some of the points raised: Speak always, write down phrases and translate, correct each other, be patient don't switch to English too quickly find some other words to express ourselves. Work towards being so comfortable with the language that we can be comfortable doing anything the Spirit prompts.
Thessaloniki Zone Conference 20th.March 2010
In these pictures you can see some role playing in action. Role playing is a good way to practice our language skills, and gain confidence in presenting the gospel message.
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Lita's Baptism in Cyprus March 2010
Lita who is from the Phillipines was introduced to the church by a member. Elder Stephenson and Elder Jentzsch taught the lessons always with a member present. Brother Pectol baptised and Brother Smith and Marco were the witnesses.. Elder Jentzsch sent me these pictures with this information. He also wrote these words, "....and she received a testimony" What a wonderful work to be involved in ,to teach the gospel so that others may receive a witness for themselves.,
Monday, 15 March 2010
Baptism of Faustina Atomako 13th. March 2010
Faustina is from Ghana and she was taught by Sisters Lelle and Simmons. Elder Roderick performed the Baptism. I believe Sister Tolonen and Sister Lelle first contacted her and began to sow those seeds of truth. Faustina desired that her children in Ghana should have these truths also. Our sisters acted, and missionaries are now teaching her beloved family. When Faustina bore testimony after the baptism, she sang a few lines of a song repeating " Jesus is Coming This Way " She said " It is my birthday, I am reborn ".
Saturday, 13 March 2010
More Athens Zone.
We are so happy to be serving with some of the finest missionaries in the world. We must have done something good!!
More Athens Zone Photographs.
Elder Harris really does have a lovely smile!! Sister Bell prepared the most delicious lunch. She created a spread using butter, honey and grated orange rind. Yummy !!
March 10th. Athens Zone Conference
I just took a number of photos so that you get to see your beloved missionaries. My skills at photography are not so good, but they tell me that I am improving. Top left, Elder Wells, Elder Roderick and Sisters Lelle and Simmons. They sang Behold A Royal Army. I could barely contain myself, I just wanted to march around the room with the glorious strains of gospel truth ringing in my ears.
Elder and Sister Shute at Larnaca Airport
Tuesday 9th. March we have the privilege of welcoming Elder and Sister Shute to Cyprus. It was a short visit with them as they were travelling on to their assigned area in Paphos. We look forward to spending more time together.
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Sunday 7th. March Sister Mei's Confirmation
When I spoke to Sister Mei after her baptism she said that she would be wearing a special dress for her confirmation. She explained that her mother had sent it especially for the occasion of receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost. ( Her mother is not a member). When we all raised our hands to sustain her as a member of the church she responded with the deepest bow. She is a young woman of faith and humility and we all rejoiced with her.
Baptism of Cao Song Mei March 6th. 2010
Sister Mei was first contacted by Elders Escher and Gaillard, and then taught by Elders Brown and Gaillard. Elder and Sister Kennedy attended the lessons with Sister Mei, she was ready for baptism within a month. A sweet peace attended this baptism .Elder Bradshaw offered a tender prayer of love for Father in Heaven. Elder Brown explained the covenant of Baptism to Sister Mei in a simple and loving manner. She was particularly touched when he congratulated her in Korean. Sister Kennedy taught us about the Holy Ghost. She shared scriptures and a personal story of a time when the spirit warned her .This warning resulted in the protection of her son and friends. She said that the language of love breaks through the language barrier.
Still in Cyprus.
Don't you just love to look on these dear faces. We love being with the missionaries, our hearts are full to see the efforts they are making to serve the Lord.
More pictures from Cyprus.
All smiles from the Lord's missionaries in Cyprus. Elders Jentzsch and Mossner are busy studying, no, of course they are not posing!!
Cyprus Zone Conference March 6th. 2010
I will just let you know that the conference in Cyprus was wonderful. Elder Arnold and Elder Sebald ( the assistants) always go ahead of us to work with the missionaries in service and leading by example.
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